Elipse Gastric Balloon
The swallowable gastric balloon, also known as Elipse balloon, is a type of new technology gastric balloon for the treatment of obesity that can be placed in the stomach without the need for anesthesia or surgery. Thanks to this balloon, you can lose weight quickly with your diet. Its working principle is the same as other gastric balloon methods. Thanks to the Elipse balloon, you can eat less, achieve a feeling of fullness and lose weight. Obesity, which has important effects on both physical and mental health, can be controlled with exercise or diet. Obese patients who do not have the necessary stability to lose weight can lose weight with a swallowable gastric balloon instead of surgery. Gastric balloons allow for short-term weight loss without bariatric surgery, controlled diet or lifestyle changes.
What is an Elipse Balloon?
This balloon is a new generation gastric balloon that does not require endoscopy or anesthesia and is swallowed with water. The effect of the Elipse balloon is the same as that of a standard gastric balloon, but the swallowable balloon has more advantages. Like other gastric balloons, swallowing balloons also help you lose weight by taking up space in the stomach. Elipse gastric balloon is a balloon produced according to the latest technology, and although it is a new weight loss method, it is very popular and frequently used. Swallowing a balloon is a weight loss method that has been used since the 80s with a proven and safe method that makes the application easy and the post-application process more comfortable.
Who is eligible for an Elipse Balloon?
The post-procedure process will be much more comfortable if you start taking your stomach acid-reducing medicine two weeks before using the balloon and follow the information given by your doctor and nutritionist before the procedure. The Elipse swallowable gastric balloon attracts attention as it is much thinner than traditional balloons. It has a smooth shape. Therefore, post-procedure nausea, vomiting and pain such as cramps are rare. The balloon is not applied to everyone. Body mass index is one of the most important criteria.
People with an average body mass index of 27-35 are preferred. An ellipse balloon is applied to the patient by examining the diet of the patient, whether he has a history of surgery, or whether the patient has health problems. The balloon helps obese patients to lose weight without surgery. The method is noted to be much more effective with low-calorie ketogenic diets. If the rate of weight loss decreases during the first 12 weeks of treatment, the ketogenic diet used will further increase the rate of weight loss.
Things to Know After the Elipse Balloon
As with any weight loss procedure, nutritional advice is needed to achieve healthier weight loss after a swallowable gastric balloon. After this procedure, the patient should consult a nutritionist for a special diet list and be under the control of a dietitian to help follow this diet and consult about what should and should not be consumed.
Nausea can occur after the Elipse balloon is placed in the stomach. Drugs prescribed by the doctor are used to alleviate this. You need to drink water for the first few days of your diet. The patient can switch to solid food in a few days when he starts to feel comfortable. There are no dietary restrictions after the procedure. However, recommendations are made to achieve healthy and high-level weight loss according to the patient’s body and goals.
How is the Elipse Balloon Placed in My Stomach?
Swallowing the balloon is a simple process. Before this, the doctor first determines whether you are suitable for this procedure. Capsules containing a deflated balloon are swallowed through a thin tube. The gastric balloon, known as a swallowable gastric balloon, is a procedure without endoscopy and anesthesia. The procedure takes 15-20 minutes on average. After swallowing the capsule in a thin tube, the doctor X-rays the stomach to ensure that the capsule is in the stomach and after the procedure is completed, the balloon is filled with air or water through the tube. The Elipse balloon is a treatment performed in a hospital setting. The doctor checks with another x-ray that the soft balloon filled with fluid or air is full and has settled in the stomach. The doctor removes the catheter used to inflate the balloon. The patient can then easily continue his daily life.
Is the Elipse Balloon Easy to Swallow?
Elipse’s swallowable gastric balloons are simpler to use than traditional gastric balloons. It is almost as easy as taking medicine. In this procedure, the inflatable balloon is encapsulated in a small, swallowable capsule. At the end of this capsule is a catheter. It is a very thin tube that allows liquid to be injected into the capsule after it enters the stomach. You will be asked to swallow this balloon. After confirming that the capsule has entered the stomach with a radiological examination, the doctor begins to inflate the balloon with the instrument at the end of the catheter. It takes a few minutes for the balloon, which is inflated with water, to reach the desired capacity. A second X-ray is taken to confirm that the balloon is inflated, then the catheter is removed from the balloon placed in the stomach and extracted through the mouth.
It is not a life-threatening method. However, cramps, nausea and rarely vomiting may occur, especially during the first two days after treatment. All these reactions are considered a normal part of the post-processing process. Your doctor will prescribe medication to avoid these problems. The process can be easily stopped in the rare cases where the balloon cannot be tolerated,.
How Much Weight Will I Lose? Will There Be Any Dietary Restrictions During or After the Program?
The Elipse swallowable gastric balloon has an advantage over traditional gastric balloons because it can be inserted into the stomach without endoscopy. This eliminates the need for endoscopy of the elliptical gastric balloon and the use of anesthesia that requires vascular access. Therefore, you can continue your daily life from where you left off immediately after this 10-15 minute procedure. After treatment, some patients may experience symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and convulsions.
The basic principle of all gastric balloon applications, including the new generation ellipse balloon, narrows the stomach by absorbing gastric volume, and thus it is kept full with less food. These methods reduce stomach volume without permanently changing the stomach. A calorie deficit is the result of reduced portions. You can lose weight if you continue to do this regularly.
Of course, not everyone can lose the same weight. However, if you follow the diet rules and engage in various sports activities, you can lose about 10 to 15 kg with this system. The primary purpose of such non-surgical weight loss methods is to prepare the patient for a healthy diet program after treatment. Healthy eating habits made while the balloon is in the stomach should continue after the balloon is removed. Otherwise, the lost weight will start to creep back again.
How is the Balloon Removed?
The swallowable balloon remains in the stomach for weeks, after which time the time-controlled release mechanism of the balloon opens and the liquid empties naturally. The balloons are very soft and thin. That is why they are inside a capsule. Thanks to the Elipse balloon, a small amount of food is sufficient to be satiated quickly. Eating less will increase the feeling of fullness. You do not feel hungry because the food you eat stays in your stomach longer. Considering this program as a 6-month program, the capsules are placed in the stomach for the first few weeks. The capsule itself is naturally discarded after its placement is complete. Since there is no bacterial infection compared to silicone gastric balloons, halitosis which is the most common patient complaint does not occur.
What Happens Next?
You may feel nauseous and uncomfortable after the balloon procedure is complete, but you will be prescribed medication to help you feel more comfortable. In general, the discomfort subsides after the first few days. During the follow-up period, different drugs are prescribed to reduce fat absorption, speed up the metabolism and reduce stomach contractions when necessary to accelerate your weight loss. It is recommended to use these drugs regularly. In this process, efforts are made to follow the process by consulting clinical nutritionists to guide the process and contribute to a healthier weight loss.
The elliptical structure of the balloon is more suitable for the stomach anatomy. This is why the balloon curls up to the upper part of the stomach and begins its task of controlling appetite in the stomach for four months. Over time, the elliptical balloon can move down the stomach under the influence of gravity, causing problems with appetite control which is considered normal. It has been observed that the swallowable gastric balloon causes less stomach discomfort than other balloons, thanks to its fine structure and smooth surface. Therefore, it is much less likely to manifest symptoms after the gastric balloon procedure.
Unlike other gastric balloons, endoscopy is not required to remove the swallowable gastric balloon from the stomach. It is excreted slowly in about 4 months, and naturally within 10 days without being felt from the body. If you follow the recommendations of the nutritionist, you can continue to lose weight. You should continue your program after the balloon is out of the body. The swallowable gastric balloon can be used twice a year. This way, a longer program can be provided for people who are overweight, and you will lose weight much more effectively and healthily.
How does the Program Work?
Weeks later, the balloon timing shrink valve will automatically start to shrink the balloon. Afterwards, the balloon is discharged naturally with feces. The Elipse balloon program will enable the patient to lose about 10-15 pounds and 15 percent of body fat in weeks. During this program, you will be constantly supported by your doctor and nutritionist. You will clarify your goals for tackling the effects of being overweight on your health, appearance or emotions. You decide what you want to achieve. The program will enable you to reduce the number of drugs used to manage conditions like type 2 diabetes.
Elipse Balloon Prices 2022
The Elipse (swallowable) gastric balloon stays in the stomach for an average of 4 months. After 4 months, the valve at the mouth of the balloon opens automatically and the balloon will gradually shrink. It can take up to 7-10 days for the balloon to shrink completely. The balloon, which remains in the form of a thin membrane, is then expelled with feces. The discharge of the balloon is almost indiscernible. The Elipse (swallowable) balloon determines how much weight you will lose later. Your weight loss depends on how diligently you apply the nutrition program and how much exercise you do. The average expected weight loss is 15 percent of your weight. The placement price of the gastric balloons varies according to the type. An additional distance related charge for traditional gastric balloon insertion. But the best part about elipse gastric balloons is that they don’t require a separate removal procedure and therefore no additional charges.
A solid diet is not recommended for the first two days so that the patient feels comfortable and rests. Solids can be started after that in small amounts. There are often concerns about gastric balloons. These concerns are about the possibility of the balloon bursting. There is no risk of bursting due to the nature of the gastric balloon. It is very durable and the potential of a puncture are minimal. The display of a blue color is evidence that the balloon leaks. In this case, the balloon must be removed. It is important to consult your doctor at this point. Like many medicinal products, the Elipse balloon (swallowable) is a foreign currency dependent product. Therefore, Elipse balloon prices are updated frequently.