What is a Gastric Balloon?
Gastric balloons are one of the most common procedures used to treat obesity. Obesity is a condition that causes serious health problems. Today, alternative obesity treatment is applied in different ways. In balloon treatment, a balloon is inserted into the stomach by endoscopy and inflated there.
This balloon allows the patient to feel a constant fullness in the stomach and thus eat less and lose weight. Extremely obese patients are recommended to lose some weight before a balloon is inserted. The balloon remains in the stomach for an average of 6 months and is subsequently removed.
The gastric balloon, which is the preferred method for non-surgical obesity treatment, is very popular among people who are afraid of stomach reduction surgery. It is one of the most preferred risk-free treatments for obesity today.
The procedure is not surgical, the balloon is placed endoscopically under mild anesthesia. The balloon is placed in the stomach and inflated. This will help you stick to your diet. Eating behavior changes over time and the necessary eating habits are adopted.
How is a Gastric Balloon used?
There are many types of gastric balloons and they have many benefits. The procedure requires appropriate dietary measures, often supplemented with regular, controlled physical activity. If these measures are not sufficient, therapeutic alternatives are available that can support and complement therapy.
The process can sometimes take up to 45 minutes. This may be because of the details of the sedation procedure, the patient’s pain or discomfort during the fitting. The fitting process can be briefly divided into 3 stages;
- Two flexible tubes are dispatched into the stomach to reach the stomach through the esophagus and see it with endoscopy.
- Sterile saline (serum) is injected into the deflated balloon in the stomach to enlarge it and occupy space.
- After the balloon volume is increased, it is separated from the tube and the two tubes are withdrawn from the stomach.
How Does the Gastric Balloon Work?
Gastric balloon helps reduce portion size and meal frequency. That way you eat less, but stay full longer. Significant reductions in metabolic syndrome, diabetes, gout and cholesterol triglyceride levels were found after a follow-up period of 6 months to 1 year in gastric balloon studies.
As you know, the purpose of using a gastric balloon is to reduce the internal volume of the stomach and to lose weight by restricting food intake. A typical human stomach has an average volume of 1-1.5 liters. Gastric balloon volume is determined by the doctor, taking into account various criteria. Therefore, it would be wrong to give a flat rate. However, the balloon usually occupies 1/3 or half of the average stomach volume.
How Many Types of Gastric Balloons are available?
Several types of gastric balloons are available and treatment is done with the most effective one for the patient. Balloons are classified according to different characteristics. Gastric balloons filled with fluid:
A colored liquid is injected into the balloon via an external catheter when using a liquid balloon, after the balloon is deflated into the stomach. This colored liquid has a salty hue colored with methylene blue. The volume of liquid cartridges is typically 500-700 milliliters. The methylene blue in the liquid balloon turns the urine green when the balloon leaks, so the patient can tell from the urine color if the balloon is leaking.
The liquid balloon changes its position in the stomach according to movements, such as while standing and lying on the stomach. When the person stands up, the balloon sinks into the antrum, which is the lower part of the stomach, and when the person lies down, it moves towards the upper part, namely the fundus.
When you eat standing up, the gastric balloon is placed in the antrum, preventing the exit of the stomach like a mat. While this firming effect is partially effective in liquid foods, its effect is very evident in solid foods. However, the position can change depending on whether the person is standing or lying down.
The balloon is visualized with an ultrasound check. The fluid-containing balloon can be seen on ultrasound as a round shape with an approximate diameter. The probability of a balloon with liquid collapsing spontaneously is 1%. Since this liquid is a whey liquid, it will not harm the water we drink.
The liquid in the bottle is colored with a harmless blue dye – methylene blue. The purpose here: If the liquid in the balloon empties, it is absorbed in the intestine and mixes with blood like all the liquids taken.
Methylene blue, which is used for dyeing, is excreted in the urine when mixed with blood, and methylene blue, which has antioxidant and antiseptic properties for the urinary tract, dyes the urine green. If a person checking their urine sees a green color, they should think that the balloon has been deflated.
Gastric balloon filled with air:
The balloon is ingested orally, endoscopically and under light anaesthesia. A syringe is used to inject air into the gastric balloon. The air balloon has a larger volume than a liquid one, but it does not add any weight.
Therefore, the balloon settles at the bottom of the stomach. The volume of the balloon is between 500 and 750 cm3. The patient cannot tell that the balloon is leaking air. The final status of the balloon can be determined with an image of the balloon with a direct abdominal X-ray during an examination.
The balloon appears as a round and wide image in the stomach. No air is visible in the balloon when the balloon is deflated. The probability of the balloon deflating on its own is 1%. An important difference between an air balloon and a liquid balloon is that when deflated it can block the intestines. In this case, the balloon is surgically removed from the intestine.
Volume adjustable or fixed balloons;
The fixed volume balloon is one of the most preferred methods. These cylinders are supplemented with liquid or air and no further action is taken until it is removed. The balloon usually remains in the stomach for 6 months. Longer periods can cause stomach ulcers. These balloons are relatively easy to use. They can be inserted in 15-20 minutes. Although it is recommended that the balloon is inserted under general anesthesia, it can also be inserted while awake.
There are balloons with adjustable volume. These balloons are also liquid balloons. 400-500 ml of liquid is injected into the balloon. These balloons are located at the tip of the stomach and can be removed, added and deflated due to its elastic feature according to weight loss. The process of changing the volume of the balloon is performed under endoscopy and anesthesia. This type of slimming balloon is practically not superior to other balloons.
Balloons can be classified according to their self-dissolving feature;
This type of balloon is swallowed by the patient with water and the doctor takes x-rays to check whether it has entered the stomach. After its position is determined in the stomach, it is inflated by injecting 400 ml of fluid through the external channel. 4 months after ingestion, the balloon dissolves spontaneously and is excreted through the intestine. This type of balloons might be less effective than other balloons in terms of weight loss.
Balloons that do not dissolve on their own are removed under light anaesthesia. Balloons are placed by inserting a needle through the biopsy channel of an endoscopic device. In air-filled balloons mentioned in detail above, the air is sucked from the balloon. In balloons containing liquid, the liquid is sucked through the balloon by means of a special channeled catheter. After the gastric balloon is completely deflated, it is caught with a special hook and removed.
Balloons According to Removal Times;
- Balloons used between 1-6 months; This type of balloon is removed 6 months after it is placed. If the balloon is removed after this time, there is no problem. However, if the balloons exceed this time, it can deflate on its own, causing intestinal obstruction and requiring surgery.
- 1 year balloons; This type of balloon can remain in the stomach for up to 1 year. After 1 year, the balloon is removed endoscopically. Remaining in the stomach longer does not mean that there is any benefit in terms of weight loss. The longer the balloon stays in the stomach, the more it supports the lost weight and helps to develop eating habits.
How Much Weight is Lost With a Gastric Balloon?
The most common side effects of using a gastric balloon are nausea and vomiting. However, these symptoms disappear within a week. If vomiting persists, the patient should consult a doctor. The balloon can be removed from the stomach of a patient if it does not fit, but this is rare.
If the used balloon is adjustable silicone, this complaint can be remedied by deflating the balloon slightly. Gastric balloon placement is a procedure with very few side effects and risks.
In recent years, the use of non-surgical techniques in bariatric surgery has increased. The gastric balloon technique, which is one of these methods, is preferred in obese patients. By using a gastric balloon, the patient can lose weight between 20 and 25 kg on average. However, if the patient does not comply with the diet after the balloon is removed, the lost weight will be regained completely.
Target weight loss is half of the excess weight;
So, how much weight can you lose per month with a gastric balloon? The placement of the balloon into the abdomen does not mean that the patient will lose weight spontaneously. The patient should regulate his living conditions and plan a nutrition discipline. The patient’s target weight loss rate for an average of 6 months is 50%. (If the ideal weight is 65 for a patient whose current weight is 115, the target weight loss for balloon therapy is calculated as 25.)
Weight loss varies depending on the patient;
Try to lose at least 20 kg per month with the gastric balloon. The body mass index should not be over 40 kg/m2 for balloon treatment. Those with a body mass index over 35-40 kg/m2 should not have any other disorder. Losing weight after using the method depends on many factors such as the patient, the type of balloon used, its content (liquid or air), the size of the person’s stomach, and eating habits. All these parameters directly affect weight lost.
The rate of weight loss slows down after some months;
Patients who support this technique with methods such as diet, exercise and drug therapy can easily lose 20-25 kilos. Although there is significant weight loss in the first months, the rate of weight loss decreases 4 months after the balloon is inserted. However, even if weight loss stops, the weight lost will remain constant as long as the gastric balloon remains in the stomach.
The type of balloon used is very effective in weight loss. Many scientific studies have determined that there is no difference between liquids and balloons in terms of weight loss. However, the desired weight loss is usually achieved when water balloons are filled with 600 milliliters of liquid.
Which Type of Gastric Balloon Should I Prefer?
There are two types of balloons, the ones that remain in place for 6 months and those that are in place for 12 months, their volumes are adjustable or fixed. The decision is made based on the patient’s preference and the doctor’s recommendations. While the short-term balloon is generally preferred for people with stomach ailments, more tolerant patients can go for the 12 month and adjustable version.
In both cases, patients can be given drugs that reduce the acidity of the stomach and prevent nausea whichever type of balloon is used. 12-month balloons can be inflated and deflated depending on weight loss thanks to their adjustable functions.
Is Weight Gained Back After the Gastric Balloon is Removed?
A gastric balloon is not a substance/component that goes away on its own like stomach botox. The gastric balloon placed endoscopically is removed from the body with an endoscopic device. After the patient is sedated, the endoscopic device is lowered into the stomach and the balloon is deflated.
The deflated balloon is removed from the stomach by mouth. Your stomach will return to normal in a short time by maintaining your weight. Therefore, attention should be paid to nutrition, not weight gain, after the gastric balloon is removed.
What are the Risks of Gastric Balloon Application?
Gastric balloons are used safely in obesity and overweight all over the world. Complications are rare and easy to treat. The risks associated with endoscopy are generally very low. The risk of complications is well below 1% and the risk of serious complications is less than 0.1%. Possible complications are not life-threatening. Some of main ones are as follows;
- Reflux esophagitis
- Stomach ulcer
- stomach bleeding
- Deflating the balloon
- Balloon migration (entry into the intestine)
Reflux esophagitis: Keeping the balloon in the stomach for a prolonged time can cause an increase in stomach acid. This situation can be resolved with drug therapy.
Stomach ulcer: This can develop from the stomach acid increased by the balloon and the pressure it is putting on the stomach. It can usually be treated with medication.
Stomach bleeding: It is usually caused by an ulcer. Ulcers can be successfully treated with drug therapy and, if necessary, the balloon can be removed with an endoscopy.
Deflating of the balloon: The gastric balloon seldom empties on its own. In this case, your urine turns green/blue thanks to the methylene blue dye in the device. If you see green urine, you should see your doctor as soon as possible for an endoscopic examination.
Balloon migration (transition to the intestine): When the balloon deflates on its own, it can leave the stomach and enter the small intestine. In such a case, the deflated balloon is usually pushed out during bowel movements and rarely causes intestinal obstruction.
Gastric Balloon Prices 2022
Gastric balloon prices vary according to the balloon type, the hospital where the procedure is performed, and the specialist doctor. In some cases, this procedure is done by giving the patient mild sedation. The rationale behind the balloon treatment is that the patient will change his eating habits in about 1 year and try to lose weight during this time.
This method is very effective for many patients. The most accurate information about the procedure can be gained by having a preliminary examination and getting advice from the doctor who will perform the procedure. Contact the authorized health institution immediately for detailed information about 2022 gastric balloon prices.