What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Gastric Bypass Surgery?
This surgery reduces the size of the stomach, limits food intake when the small intestine is cut, and reduces nutrition intake (especially fat and sugar). This speeds up the weight loss process. After gastric bypass surgery, the stomach shrinks and you can feel full faster even when you eat less. The procedure reduces the risk of joint problems, sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and heart disease that can be caused by obesity, especially diabetes. The new gastro-intestinal connection formed during gastric bypass surgery is narrower than normal and enables patients to feel full for a long time.
As with all gastric reduction surgeries, gastric bypass surgery also has some disadvantages. In the middle and long term, patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery can develop vitamin and mineral deficiencies if a nutrition program is not followed. Mineral and vitamin deficiencies can cause various health problems such as anemia, hair loss and loss of muscle mass. Nausea, constipation and various intestinal problems can occur after gastric bypass surgery. Hernia formation can be observed at the surgical site. Dumping syndrome can occur when eating fast food because the pyloric valve is not protected during this surgery. Furthermore, the surgery does not guarantee weight loss or recovery from weight loss.
What is Gastric Bypass (R-YGB) Surgery?
This surgery is one of the most effective surgical methods in the treatment of obesity. It is also used to correct obesity surgery. The process of reducing stomach volume and reducing fat absorption helps prevent disorders such as obesity diabetes. The patient’s suitability for surgery should be planned in advance before gastric bypass surgery, and the process should be managed correctly. Obesity specialists perform the surgery with great care. A free preliminary test will determine the best treatment for obesity and your doctor will inform you about the process. Free nutritional advice is given 3 months after surgery
Which Disorders are treated with Gastric Bypass (R-YGB) Surgery?
Anyone who is over the age of 18, has an obesity index of 35 and above, and does not have a disorder that prevents surgery can have a sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery. Surgery is very rare in patients under the age of 18, but parental consent is required if such surgery is warranted. If surgery is not possible due to mental problems or alcohol addiction, get permission for the operation from the doctor of each branch and have the operation.
How is Gastric Bypass (RYGB) Surgery done?
Patients are given a diet program before surgery. This reduces weight, reduces liver size, and minimizes the risks associated with surgery. The consumption of alcohol or tobacco must be minimized or stopped for a time. This is important to speed up the healing process. Regular pre-operative examinations are performed to evaluate the patient’s suitability for surgery. Patients who will undergo bariatric surgery should fast for at least 10 hours and refrain from drinking water for 8 hours before the test. The gastric bypass surgery can be started if the test results are normal. The steps of the process are as follows.
Treatment is done laparoscopically. In recent years, priority has been given to robotic surgery. The process is done through holes with a diameter of 1 cm. The surgery shrinks the stomach like sleeve gastrectomy surgery. Approximately 95% of the stomach is bypassed. A part of the stomach that is surgically divided into two is attached to the center of the intestine, bypassing the duodena. The other parts continue to work without being expelled from the body. This prevents swallowed food from passing through the intestines of the duodenum.
The aim of the surgery is to satisfy the patients with less food and to enable them to eat some of the foods they like.
What Types of Gastric Bypass are available?
Various types of gastric bypass are available. These are as follows;
- Roux-en-Y (proximal)
- Roux-en-Y (distal)
- LoopGastric Bypass (Mini Gastric Bypass)
Gastric Bypass Risks?
People with diabetes are an additional risk group for bypass surgery. People who suffer from obesity and have narrowed or clogged blood vessels are considered a risk group. If you have had a disorder such as a heart attack or stroke, you may be in the risk group. Generally, risk groups include people with heart valves, vascular access or various arrhythmia problems.
If your doctor thinks you should have bypass surgery but you have had heart surgery, you may be in the risk group. In discussions with your doctor, your doctor will advise you which method is strategically more correct. After discussing the strengths, weaknesses and risks of each method in detail, your health-friendly method will be used with your approval.
Which Patients are eligible for Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Anyone who is over the age of 65?, has an obesity index of 35 and above, and does not have a disorder that prevents surgery can have a sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery. Surgery is very rare in patients under the age of 18, but parental consent is required if such surgery is warranted. If surgery is not possible due to mental problems or alcohol addiction, get permission for the operation from the doctor of each branch and have the operation.
How Long is Hospitalization required after Gastric Bypass Surgery?
The length of hospitalization after coronary artery surgery? depends on both the patient and the factors associated with the surgery. The length of hospitalization depends on the age of the patient, other heart diseases, lung function, surgical procedures and disorders such as diabetes and chronic diseases. The time spent in the intensive care unit after surgery also depends on the patient and the factors associated with the surgery.
Minimally invasive bypass surgery usually warrants shorter hospitalization due to shorter intensive care and lower risk of complications. However, the average hospital stay is 46 days. As in all surgical procedures, the risk for the patient is very important in heart bypass surgery. Patients can be hospitalized longer to minimize post-operative complications, especially in risk groups.
Is Heavy Lifting allowed after Gastric Bypass Surgery?
The patient must avoid heavy lifting for about 6 -7 weeks. Post operative rest is mandatory.
When is it possible to drive after Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Driving is prohibited for approximately 2 weeks. Apart from this, stairs can be climbed and walking is allowed.
When can you Return to Work After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Gastric bypass surgery, which narrows the stomach and reduces food intake, is one of the bariatric surgery methods that ensures rapid weight loss. Returning to work takes an average of one week after laparoscopic surgery such as sleeve gastrectomy surgery. If the person has an easy desk job, he can start work one week after the surgery with the approval of the surgeon. If the patient has a hectic job that requires intense activity, the sick leave should be extended up to one month.
When Does Weight Loss Start after Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Weight loss is gradual and is most rapid during the first few months. It may take 1.5-2 years to achieve maximum weight loss. During this period, 70-80% of the excess weight is lost.
What to Consider in Nutrition after Gastric Bypass Surgery?
After this surgery, patients are recommended to eat 3 basic meals and 3 snacks per day. Patients can eat any kind of food, but the biggest difference from the pre-operative state is that they need less calories than the food they eat. Patients will never feel uncomfortable for adopting healthy eating habits and maintaining the status at recommended levels. There is no fluid supply phase after gastric bypass surgery. Forty-eight hours after surgery, patients can consume the recommended types of food if they are pureed. First 10 days: liquid period. From the 10th day to the 20th day period: Puree period. After 20 days, the patient progresses to solids on a strict diet.
Which foods should be avoided after gastric bypass surgery?
Soups cooked with bone, tripe soup and all kinds of fried foods should be avoided because they contain fat. Instead, I prefer soups made with beef/chicken broth. soup. Avoid all foods containing processed sugar, sugar beets, brown sugar, added sugar.
What to Eat in the Weeks After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Care should be taken to consume at least 3 meals per day and to eat well. The diet should mainly contain protein, fruit, vegetables and finally whole grain groups. Especially in the first two weeks, you should eat liquid foods, and in the 3rd, 4th and 5th weeks, you should eat pureed foods. You should drink at least 1.52 liters of fluid to prevent dehydration. (At least 6-8 glasses of water a day) Otherwise, headache, dizziness, nausea, weakness, pain in the tongue, dark urine, etc will occur. You should eat soft and plain foods. For example, diet/diabetic puddings made from low-fat milk, mashed potatoes, milk-soaked cereals, cottage cheese, soft omelettes and fish puree are preferable. You should avoid monosaccharides (granulated / sugar cubes, sweets, candies, etc.). After the food is pureed, it is very important to chew and swallow the food completely.
If food is not chewed sufficiently, it can block the gastric outlet and cause pain, discomfort and vomiting. You need to make sure you’re getting enough protein. Three glasses of skimmed or soy milk a day can provide enough protein and calcium to stay healthy. Care should be taken not to consume solid and liquid foods at the same time. Drinking water with food fills the remaining small stomach and causes early vomiting. You should avoid drinking water for 30 minutes before and after a meal. Food should be eaten slowly. You need to eat 2 plates of food in 20 minutes. Many keep the average time at 45 minutes. If you feel bloated or pressure in the middle of your stomach, it’s important to stop eating or drinking. It is helpful to keep a diary of the foods you eat and write down the results.
Is Constipation Experienced After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Constipation is encountered in 30 percent of patients, but this is a very simple complication. The solution is simple.
What Is Dumping Syndrome After Gastric Bypass Surgery?
Dumping syndrome is characterized by abdominal pain and diarrhea after gastric reduction surgery and after consuming carbohydrate-heavy foods. Dumping syndrome symptoms are examined under two groups as early and late dumping syndrome symptoms. The first symptoms of dumping syndrome are diarrhea and abdominal pain during the first 30 minutes after consuming carbohydrate foods. If abdominal pain and diarrhea develop within 3 hours instead of the first 30 minutes, it is considered a sign of late-onset dumping syndrome.
Even if the amount of food consumed is minimal, you will feel full in a short time. If it occurs before the next 30 minutes, the symptoms are: flushing, increased heart rate, palpitations, weakness, fatigue, abdominal aches and pain, General or local sweating, vomiting in the stomach, nausea. Symptoms that occur 3 hours after eating foods containing carbohydrates are: feeling of hunger, changes in consciousness, blurred state of consciousness, tremors and fatigue.
Gastric Bypass Surgery Prices 2022
Prices for this surgery vary from person to person. Gastric bypass surgery prices vary depending on your size and determination.