What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery?

Laparoscopy is used in sleeve gastrectomies to speed wound healing, reduce pain and shorten hospital stays. Despite this procedure, the functioning of the stomach does not change while the intake of many food groups is minimized. When the hunger hormone is cut off, the appetite naturally decreases and weight is lost. This allows you to experience a feeling of fullness for a long time. The likelihood of diseases such as ulcers is minimized. This is because intestinal bypass is avoided. The likelihood of intestinal obstruction, marginal ulcers, anemia, osteoporosis (bone loss), protein and vitamin deficiencies are eliminated.

It provides very effective results in the first stage of the surgery in people with a very high BMI (BMI> 55 kg/m2) and are suitable for surgery. It is an ideal and suitable choice for anemia patients, those who are concerned about the high complications of intestinal bypass and those at high risk of intestinal bypass. Since it is a laparoscopic surgery for obese people, it leaves less scars, less lung problems, less pain and faster recovery. Sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be switched to bypass and duodenal switch in the second surgery.

Weight loss can be more or less than expected. This risk is theoretically present in all types of surgery, but is less in bypass compared to sleeve gastrectomy reaction. People with a very high BMI (BMI> 55 kg/m2) often need a second bariatric surgery to lose their remaining excess weight. Two-stage bariatric surgery produces more effective and safe results in people with a very high body mass index. You can eat liquid or soft foods that are high in calories. This can slow weight loss. The stomach is cut lengthwise in sleeve gastrectomy surgerpy. As a result, the suture can leak or bleed. The stomach cannot be restored to its former as part of it has been removed from the abdomen.

What is Sleeve gastrectomy Surgery?

Sleeve gastrecteomy surgery, which is one of the surgical treatments that can be used when obesity is diagnosed, is performed to reduce the person to the ideal weight gradually and to renew the body. This surgery, which has fast and effective results in weight loss, has been so successful that it is appreciated by everyone. Appropriate candidates for surgery based on the principle of gastrointestinal connection or removal of half or most of the stomach are determined after a specific examination and analysis. For example, this procedure is an ideal surgical method to solve the problem of obesity in patients who cannot lose weight or achieve desired results despite diet, exercise or treatment.

However, as mentioned above, those who have sleeve gastrectomies are selected by the doctor according to specific tests and evaluations. The purpose of stomach weight loss, which is one of the weight loss methods used by many obese people today, is to make targeted changes in the hormones that control hunger, satiety and blood sugar in the person’s gastrointestinal system. Stomach contraction means low food and calories, so the person naturally initiates the slimming process.

How Is Sleeve gastrectomy done?

Laparoscopy is preferred for this surgery, which is based on the principle of the surgical removal of 80% of the stomach. A small incision of 1.3 mm is made in the abdomen of the patient whose abdominal wall has not been cut, and a large part of the stomach can be quickly removed using the necessary equipment. Laparoscopy is often preferred to prevent excessive stress on the body in sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

What Sleeve gastrectomy Methods are available?

A portion of the stomach is removed. When this part is removed, less is consumed and the targeted weight loss is achieved. Duodenal switch surgery removes part of the intestine along with the stomach. Since there is no intestine, absorption decreases and weight loss occurs. A sleeve gastrectomy can be performed open or closed (laparoscopically). Laparoscopic surgery is more beneficial than open surgery as it only leaves a small scar after the surgery. Complication probability is low and recovery time is faster than open surgery. Gastric sleeve surgery: removes about 75% of the stomach. Even after surgery, your stomach is as small as a tube, so even if the food you consume is minimal, you’ll feel full right away. This reduces the feeling of hunger. In addition, this surgery removes the feeling of hunger because the part of the stomach that produces the “hunger hormone” is eliminated. This operation can be done laparoscopically. Rouxy Gastric Bypass Surgery: A new small stomach is created by deactivating a part of the stomach. A portion of the intestines is cut and attached to the side of the small stomach.

The deactivated stomach is connected to the duodenum. As a result of this surgery, a large part of the stomach loses its function. Food enters the new small stomach and attached intestine. Biliopancreatic Diversion: The purpose of this surgery is to reduce the absorption of nutrients by removing both the stomach and most of the intestines. Food intake is restricted by the formation of small pockets in the stomach. This surgery is more serious than other surgeries and is suitable for severe patients.

Up to What Age Is Sleeve gastrectomy done?

The procedure is carried out on patients in the 18 to 65 age group. Also different data considered for eligibility.

How long does sleeve gastrectomy take? 

This surgery takes between 1 hour and 2 hours Depending on the type of surgery performed.

Is There Any Pain After Surgery? 

Pain is not expected after a sleeve gastrectomy.

What is the Process of Returning to Normal After Surgery?

It may take some time for the patient to return to his daily routine after the surgery. Thanks to laparoscopic technology, one week is enough for the patient to recover. Those who work at their desk at a slow pace can start working again. However, people with strenuous jobs have to wait at least a month to return to work.

Is the procedure applicable to anyone with weight problems? 

In general, the procedure is applied to individuals between the ages of 18-65. In addition, there is a body index determined by the world health organization which must be 35 and above. Furthermore, this surgery has risks like all surgeries. These risks should be taken into account. However, obesity surgery, which is as dangerous as many normal surgeries, can cause stones to form in the gallbladder due to rapid weight loss. However, this is highly unlikely. The infection problem is related to the dressing and care of the patient after the operation.

We take many precautions from  the pre-operative stage to discharge and use medication to prevent infection. Although unlikely, leakage from the gastric sleeve or other anastomosis is also possible. However, we always check the leak status after the procedure. Leaks can occur if the patient eats too much and starts to vomit. That is why it is very  important to maintain your diet so that you don’t strain your stomach the first time to avoid leaks. Dumping syndrome can also occur after gastric bypass surgery. The rapid passage of food and water into the intestines can cause sweating, weakness, nausea or diarrhea. However, if you follow the program and adhere to the recommendations of the dietitian, you will not experience this syndrome even for a short time. As with other surgeries, there is a risk of blood clotting and embolism in sleeve gastrectomy surgery. We always advise patients to walk to improve blood circulation after surgery.

Does sleeve gastrectomy leave any scars? 

In laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery, one or four incisions can be made in different areas, depending on the surgeon’s decision. These incisions are about 1 cm long, so any scarring is minimal. In open surgery techniques, the number of sutures is high and the incision area is large. That is an open procedure leaves scars. However, scars can be faded with effective dressing.

How Much Weight Do Those Who Have Surgery Lose?

The first four months after surgery is the earliest time to lose weight.

  • 20% of excess weight is lost in the first month on average
  • 30% of excess weight is lost at the end of the second month
  • 45-50% excess weight is lost at the end of the 4th month
  • 60% excess weight is lost at the end of the 6th month
  • 70% excess weight is lost at the end of the 9th month
  • 80% of the excess weight is lost at the end of the 12th month.

Can Weight gain occur again after Surgery? 

People who do not pay attention to their diet and lifestyle after the surgery and do not follow the doctor’s recommendations can regain the weight they lost. A regular lifestyle, a balanced diet and a regular exercise program will help you manage your weight for the rest of your life.

Nutrition and Exercise after Stomach Surgery

The food intake of the stomach after the operation is about 150 ml. Therefore, the patient’s diet should be prepared in a balanced and modest way. You need to consume liquid and pureed foods for the first 4 weeks. After the healing process is complete, you need to work with a nutritionist to establish a nutrition program. It is important to consult a dietitian so that the lost weight does not come back and the body’s nutritional needs are countered. A balanced diet is necessary for the results of the sleeve gastrectomy surgery to last for years. Otherwise, the obesity problem will recur and require another surgery. You should not tire yourself with long exercise programs. You can start exercising after about 10 months.

Are Vitamin and Mineral Supplements prescribed after downsizing?

Dietary changes occur after surgery. Vitamin intake might not be sufficient. The use of vitamin and mineral supplements is recommended to avoid health problems due to vitamin deficiency. However, your doctor will need to decide which vitamins to take.

What is the Process after Downsizing?

After staying in the hospital for a while, a long-term resting mode should be started at home. The nutritional routine needs to be applied for months. Return to daily routine takes a long time.

How Many Days of Hospitalization is necessary after the Surgery?

The length of hospitalization depends on the course of the surgery. Those who have had a successful surgery and are not at risk of complications can be hospitalized for 13 days. However, if you experience any complications, your doctor will determine the discharge date.

Does SSI Cover Sleeve gastrectomy Surgery?

Obesity surgery is generally not covered by SSI. However, this might be possible if certain conditions are met that affect human health, for example, if the Obesity index is 40 or higher and excess weight is life-threatening.

When Do Stitches Heal After Sleeve gastrectomy Surgery?

The incisions made during the surgery are sutured. The sutures are very small because a very small incision is made during laparoscopic surgery. However, the number of loops is high in the opening process. It takes 15 days for the stitches on the inside of the stomach to heal. But the full recovery period is one month. If effective and correct dressing is not provided after discharge, the sutures can become infected. This will prolong the recovery time.

Is Pregnancy an option after Sleeve gastrectomy? 

Studies have shown improvement in problems such as polycystic ovary syndrome, which can prevent ovulation after sleeve gastrectomy surgery. The most important consideration after sleeve gastrectomy is that overweight women who want to get pregnant 12-18 months after surgery and want to avoid pregnancy are positive. Pregnancy can pose a life-threatening risk if additional precautions are required after surgery.

After half of the stomach is removed, the most important factor is healthy weight loss. After the operation, there is a balanced and rapid weight loss. Pregnancy during this period can threaten the health of both mother and child. Achieving a healthy weight is important for everything to go well during pregnancy. After reaching the desired weight range following sleeve gastrectomy, a pregnancy that occurs with the help of a specialist does not pose a risk.

Sleeve gastrectomy surgery prices 2022

The price of the surgery varies. It depends on a lot of data and your needs. You can learn by consulting your doctor, as weight loss sessions require tiring and prolonged examinations.